likes Hamilton, HadesTown, Epic the Musical, Six, Heathers, pink, coquette fashion, scene core, bunnies, IDV, Greek Mythology, Hades (game), napping, Persona 5

BYF i talk and post A LOT about Hamilton+HadesTown, i talk a lot about my friends, i get anxious easily iwec, im usually active on discord (herashearth), im Hellenistic and an Aphrodite follower

DFI no doubles, -16 (exceptions if close), w€€d/drvg mentions, generally just a weirdo, negativity, mean people, have any issues with my friends, don’t call me Bunni pls nicknames from Bunni ok

friends Deimos, mom, Aine !! , Asa, Aven, Lis/Lili, Mishu, Vero, Lawrence, Artemis, Maxine, Heidi, Marin